Why You Should Become A Contracting Gangsta

3 min readJun 25, 2023

Be a boss in the world of IT and software engineering contracting.

Awesome Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

I’ll never go back to being a full time employee as a software engineer, because I’ve found out how to be a contracting gangsta!

I’m milking the most out of what many others would consider an undesirable position, being a contractor instead of being salaried. It’s Ok, they just don’t know how good I have it as a contracting gangsta. If only they knew!

In this short post, I’ll explain why I switched from salaried employee to hourly contractor, and all the perks that come with being a contractor in software engineering.

My reasons for becoming a contracting gangsta:

  • No more than 40 hours of work per week. At least, so far, this has been my experience working in 4 different contracting roles.
  • No “on-call”. I do not do, can not do, will not do “on-call” anymore. As a contractor, I work on projects. Those projects have a start, and an end. And typically, the end of the project means that whatever I’m helping to build is finally going into production. That’s when I know it’s time to find my next contracting gig, when the thing I’ve been building is going into production, or close to it. No on-call, thank you very much. Too many mother’s days, Christmas’s, and other holidays were…




Dad & technolgist who likes to write about work, money, and life.