The Power Of Today

5 min readJun 24, 2023

Stress less and live more by fully harnessing the power of today. Whatever you do, don’t discount today!

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

I’m pushing 50. It’s just around the corner. I used to have super far out grand visions of life, of what things will be like “one day”. But the older I get, the more I’m realizing just how fast time is ticking by, and just how close “one day” is getting.

I started thinking differently over the past 3 years. I started living for today.

I don’t mean I don’t have short term, medium term, or long term plans, I just mean that when I wake up each morning, I’m fully committed to living that single day with gusto!

I’ve found that by planning too much for tomorrow, or dwelling too much on yesterday, I end up wasting today in worry, stress, and ultimately not doing enough living in the moment.

Even if I don’t think much about tomorrow at all, if I just have a good day today and live it to the fullest, I’ve found that almost always makes my tomorrow better!

So, for me at least, today is king. Today is the real McCoy. Tomorrow can’t even hold a candle to today, thank you very much!

With that said, here are some ways that I’ve been able to worry less, stress less, and live better by embracing the almighty day called TODAY..

I “Greet The Day”




Dad & technolgist who likes to write about work, money, and life.