Let’s Normalize Being Humans At Work

3 min readSep 6, 2022

Feelings at work are O.K. Let’s be human for a change.

Awesome Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash

Let’s start being human at work, shall we?

Ever questioned what it means to be “professional”? Ever wondered why we say to ourselves “that’s not very professional”. Let’s talk about it..

Sometimes being “professional” just means being good little wage slaves. Let’s change that. We are more than just cogs in the machinery of corporations, we are humans, and we don’t stop being humans just because we are working.

Here are some things that I’ve found to work well after working for 22 years as a technologist, hopefully, some of them will be helpful to you!

  • Let your guard down sometimes, especially if you are under a lot of stress/pressure or struggling with a particularly difficult problem. Letting your guard down does not have to mean “being negative”, but it can mean being open, honest, and transparent with your team about obstacles and challenges, especially if they are chronic and/or stress-inducing.
  • There’s a good chance that if you are feeling stressed out on the job, your teammates are too. So, talk about it. At first, it might not be easy to discuss, but the dialog you open may lead to improvements.
  • Make sure to not treat teammates like they are just “transactions” to be…




Dad & technolgist who likes to write about work, money, and life.