Down Days, Pressing the Pause Button on Life

3 min readJun 21, 2023

Sometimes it’s Ok to withdraw from life and be melancholy for a day

Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

This is just a reminder that sometimes it’s ok to have an off day, to be down, blue, or otherwise not in an “I’m gonna conquer life” mentality.

We’re humans, not robots, and as humans I strongly believe that sometimes we need to take a day to rest and to withdraw from the world at large if we have any choice in doing so.

Sometimes the pressure of work, family, friends, finances, and life in general can seem overwhelming, debilitating even. I’ve found that when I’m in this mental space, it’s best to embrace it for a day if I can, rather than “fight it” or just try to “push through it”.

Sometimes, of course, I don’t have a choice (financially or otherwise), and I just have to push through a difficult day when I’d rather just be reading, drinking coffee, or generally not renting out my precious mental space and energy for the sake of making money.

But on the days when I feel particularly withdrawn from life, when I feel melancholy or down, if at all possible, I take those days to myself. I take those days off.

Luckily, days like that are far and few between for me. I realize that many people struggle with depression that’s debilitating at the least. I’m luckily not one of those…




Dad & technolgist who likes to write about work, money, and life.